Sunday, July 10, 2011

“God has chosen me to understand, hasn’t He!?”

Those were the words of the young Middle Eastern woman we met with tonight. We first met her at our apartment complex over a week ago and finally hung out tonight at the mall. We spent some time asking about her country and her culture, and jumped right into religion. We discovered that although her home country requires everyone to be “Cousins” and her passport even says that she is, she does not conform to that. She doesn’t cover her head like them and doesn’t dress like them. She believed every way leads to God, and everything is about being a “good” person, as well as meditation and karma. It led into us presenting the Gospel to her. After explaining and making sure she was comprehending that Jesus is the only way to God, she responded to us saying, “Oh! Jesus is the bridge for us to get to God!” She also shared with us how some people in her family had moved to other countries in Europe and heard about Jesus and believed, but she had never really heard for herself. We told her how awesome it is that God brought her out of her home country to here, where she has more freedom, to hear about Him and actually understand what the Gospel means for her! Then I saw the light switch come on when she said, “God has chosen me to understand!” She cried, we cried. It was a Spirit-filled moment that felt so wonderful! She has admitted her sin, and believes in Jesus, but we are unsure to how or when she will commit her life to Him. Please pray with us for guidance and discernment as we continue to meet with this young lady. We have the Word in her language to give her, and she wants to come to our Study this week. So please pray that she will continue to understand and respond to God calling her to Him. We know that The Enemy is always attacking, with people from her country in particular. So me asking you to pray for us right now is an understatement!

Also, I had the opportunity to share the Gospel with 2 other girls separately this weekend, each of them are searching, and both believe a strange mixture of God + Karma. Pray for them to seek Him, and for us as we follow-up with them.

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